Foreign investments in the Czech Republic: International treaties, currency control, removal of profits and arbitration

The Czech Republic is a notably open and free market economy. In general, foreign individuals and legal entities do not

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Getting the Deal Through: Construction 2014 – Czech Republic

Achour & Partners has contributed to the latest edition of Getting the Deal Through – Construction 2014, published by Law Business Research Ltd. The

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Getting the Deal Through: Real Estate 2013 – Czech Republic

Achour & Partners has contributed to the latest edition of Getting the Deal Through – Real Estate 2013, published by Law Business Research Ltd.

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Getting the Deal Through: Construction 2012 – Czech Republic

Achour & Partners has contributed to the latest edition of Getting the Deal Through – Construction 2012, published by Law Business Research Ltd. The

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Getting the Deal Through – Real Estate 2011 – Czech Republic

Achour & Partners has contributed to the latest edition of Getting the Deal Through – Real Estate 2011, published by Law Business Research Ltd.

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