In accordance with Section 14 of Act No. 634/1992 Sb. on consumer protection, as amended, Česká advokátní komora (Czech Bar Association) has subject-matter jurisdiction for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes in the field of disputes between a lawyer and a consumer. You will find detailed information about this method of resolving consumer disputes, and initiating such resolution, at

Achour & Partners provides consumers with information on the terms and conditions of providing legal services, as well as information about the fees charged for legal services and how these fees are calculated before legal services are actually provided to the consumer. The fees which Achour & Partners charges for the provision of legal services are in line with the arranged terms and conditions and are set out in a contract on the provision of legal services to a consumer. A contract on the provision of legal services is signed with the consumer before any legal services are provided.

The size of the fee for the provision of legal services at Achour & Partners is invariably set by way of individual agreement with the consumer. The size of the fee is generally set with consideration for the demands on time and expertise, and with consideration for the value of the case. The fee for legal services at Achour & Partners can be arranged as an hourly fee, a fixed sum for specific legal services, or as flat-rate or proportionate subject to agreement with the consumer. If the fee is set as an hourly rate, Achour & Partners draws on the number of hours worked on the case, for which it charges a pre-determined hourly rate; in such case Achour & Partners is entitled to a fee which corresponds to the work actually done, calculated using hourly rates that are generally set separately for lawyers (according to their seniority), trainee lawyers, and legal assistants.

Unless agreed otherwise, Achour & Partners bills consumers for the services provided once a month, generally by the fifteenth day in the month that directly follows the month in which legal services are provided, and individual invoices are usually issued for each month of the provision of legal services. An attachment is usually appended to each and every invoice, showing an overview of all legal services provided, including (i) the name of the person providing the legal service, (ii) the date of providing the legal service, (iii) a description of what was involved in the legal service provided, and (iv) the duration of the legal service in question. Invoices and tax documents, including attachments, can be sent in PDF format to the consumer’s e-mail address, or by data box, if this method of sending documents is possible according to the legal regulations in force. Achour & Partners invoices are payable on the date specified on the invoice.

Unless agreed otherwise between the consumer and Achour & Partners in a specific case, legal services are provided as individual chargeable events. VAT is added to the arranged fee in accordance with the legal regulations in force. For VAT purposes, the provision of legal services at Achour & Partners is generally considered to be the execution of a chargeable event on the date on which an invoice is issued. The fee is stated as the price not including VAT, the level of VAT follows, the amount of VAT in percentage, and the total price of work (the fee) including VAT. Should the level of VAT change in the course of providing legal services, Achour & Partners will charge VAT in line with the current rate of VAT ensuing from the legal regulations effective on the date of execution of the chargeable event.

The consumer may terminate a contract on the provision of legal services with Achour & Partners in writing at any time, without giving reasons. Should either one of the contracting parties terminate a contract on the provision of legal services, the period of notice of three months, commencing on the date of delivery of written notice of termination to the other Contracting Party, unless a different period of notice or other terms and conditions of termination are specified in the contract on the provision of legal services.

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