We stress continual professional and personal development and systematic development, as well as the gathering of practical experience. We develop our trainee lawyers’ fundamental skills, in particular the ability to participate in the creation of legal documents and the analysis of legal problems. We have strong in-house transaction know-how, which we regularly update and develop, and we intensively train our trainee lawyers in the preparation of transaction documents.

The ability to independently write up contracts and other legal documents is one of the most important skills to us. This is why we also insist on sticking to a uniform visual style in our documents so that the office’s style is recognisable at first glance. Just as important to us is the ability to analyse and think critically, whether in terms of legal opinions, memoranda, or in filings addressed to courts or other public authorities. We reject the superficial summarisation of the professional conclusions of others and demand that our trainee lawyers analyse a matter to the broadest and most in-depth extent, identify the right questions, and find the answers. We primarily use the ability to analyse in relation to identifying the risks of a transaction and in other legal situations, judicial disputes included. No less important to us is the ability to communicate with precision, to negotiate, and to get ideas across.

At the beginning of our work together, our lawyers are generally trained as specialists in a number of areas, with a broader legal take on multiple areas of law. This approach allows our colleagues to decide on which aspect of law they would prefer in the future and which suits them best from the perspective of their own nature, their knowledge, and their skills and from the perspective of a long-term career plan. At the same time, the approach provides our colleagues with a broader scope of expertise, wider understanding of complicated legal problems and contexts, and allows them to attend more proceedings and participate in the management and coordination of transactions and apply themselves to other positions, including senior management positions at business corporations. Our approach makes it possible to get to know clients and their legal affairs from several angles and in greater detail, and this simultaneously increases our ability to manage and coordinate a transaction from the purely legal perspective and overall from the economic point of view. 

A universal outlook among our trainee lawyers is of great importance to us, from the legal and economic perspective, and at a Czech and an international level. This is why we also promote the involvement of trainee lawyers in training sessions and conferences and support their publication activity, which we view as being of benefit to our company as a whole.

Gabriel Achour

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